Why Mita?

When I was a little girl, I named myself Mita. I am constantly reminded to be myself without hesitation but with kindness and truth to power. Simplicity is one of the purest forms of elegance. When we source from a place of vulnerability and courage, from the seed of our beginner’s mind, anything is possible.


Proposal Writing

We are here to grow your ideas and make them flourish. Years of agency and AEC experience, Mita Marketing is about growing relationships with your brand through genuine curiosity and research through conversation. We are here to help you, and bonus—we like helping you.

RFP Samples:

Architecture Plus, Custom Homes, one-sheet

Architecture Plus, RFP, Firebaugh

Architecture Plus, RFP, City of Fullerton

Architecture Plus, RFP, City of RSM

Architecture Plus, RFP, Port of Long Beach

Premier Inspection Services, Anaheim

Premier Inspection Services, Project Sheets

Bonus: Wellness Proposal

Target Marketing

From running an email marketing campaign with a 27% open rate to using brand leveraging on various social media platforms for sustained growth and client leads, Mita Marketing loves to help you spread the word. Let us get into the nitty-gritty of your business goals and help you achieve them.

Social media clients include:

Mauget, Facebook

Mauget, Instagram

Common Ground Documentary, Instagram

Have fun.

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.” Brené Brown

It’s important to build relationships, take care of oneself, and fight the good fight, but there are times to just have fun. Fun is where we can find true playfulness and a return to that spirit of our younger parts. Thanks for taking a walk through Mita Marketing. Now go on and have fun!